| World | World Draughts Federation | fmjd.org |
 | Asia | Asian Draughts Confederation | asiadraughts.org |
 | CHINA | Chinese Draughts Association | |
 | CHINESE TAIPEI | Chinese Taipei Draughts Association | |
 | HONG KONG | Hong Kong Draughts Assosiation | |
 | INDIA | Sports Draught Federation of India | sdfi.in |
 | ISLAMIC REPUBLIV OF IRAN | Iran Draughts Association | |
 | JAPAN | Japan Checkers Draughts Association | sites.google.com/site/japancheckersdraughts/ |
 | KAZAKHSTAN | Draughts Federation of Kazakhstan | shashki.kz |
 | MONGOLIA | Mongolian Draughts Federation | |
 | PAKISTAN | Pakistan Checkers Draughts Association | |
 | REPUBLIC OF KOREA | Korea Draughts Association | |
 | TURKMENISTAN | Turkmenistan National Draughts Centre | |
 | UZBEKISTAN | Uzbekistan Draughts Federation | |